Kansas Crops
- Chemical Weed Control for Field Crops, Pastures, Rangeland, and Noncropland (2023)
- Crop Insects of Kansas
- Crop Residues: Abundance and Considerations for Alternative Uses
- National Weather Service Climate Outlooks Serving Agriculture
- Precipitation Trends and Changes in Drought
- Private Pesticide Applicator Manual
- Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendations
- Temperature Trends and Changes in Frost Dates from 1895 to 2015
- Abnormal Corn Ears
- Corn Insect Pest Management
- Corn Planting Dates and Frost Risk in Central and Eastern Kansas
- Diagnosing Corn Production Problems in Kansas
- Kansas Corn Management(2023)
- Kansas Corn Yield Contest, High-Yield Management(2022)
- Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids(2022)
- Tillering Impacts on Corn Yields
- Diagnosing Sorghum Production Problems in Kansas
- Kansas Performance Tests with Grain Sorghum Hybrids(2022)
- Sorghum Insect Pest Management(2023)
- Bean Leaf Beetle
- Kansas Soybean Management(2023)
- Kansas Performance Tests with Soybean Varieties(2022)
- Scouting for Pythium Root Rot in Soybeans
- Soybean Insect Pest Management(2023)
- Using Legumes in Crop Rotations
- Diagnosing Wheat Production Problems
- Dual-Purpose Wheat Variety Performance(2023)
- Kansas Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties(2023)
- Wheat Disease Identification
- Wheat Insect Pest Management(2023)
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